Best Place of Worship 香港: reviews

In category «place of worship» found 188 companies with reviews and contacts, top 20:

1. 嗇色園黃大仙祠 - 黃大仙竹園村二號
31 review
Pleasant and serene except for holidays when it gets very, very busy. Picture older people pushing you to make their offerings, which is fair since it is an operating...

2. 沙田車公廟 - 7 Che Kung Miu Rd, Sha Tin
13 reviews
Quite far from city but able to walk from Tai Wai station. Please ask the staff about steps to wish god.

3. 紅磡觀音廟 - 15號 Station Ln, Hung Hom
10 reviews
It is a good temple well situated. Sometimes there are people giving out red pockets who constantly annoy people who went in the temple

4. 愛群清真寺 - 40 Oi Kwan Rd, Wan Chai
19 reviews
Islamic canteen in wan-chai mosque, on expensive side but one of the best dim-sum by quality…and it’s all halal.

5. 中國基督教播道會恩福堂 - Yan Fook Centre, 789 Cheung Sha Wan Rd, Cheung Sha Wan
7 reviews
嘩嘩嘩!入面真係好很多曱甴呀!而且隻隻都掛上黃絲帶呀!不過我鍾意呢,起碼大大半都忤係真正嘅耶穌仔耶穌女咁樣樣都講信仰原則咁古板老套先啦! 嗰啲真正正宗耶穌仔耶穌妹就算出來遊行都話要先求上帝旨意又話犯法犯罪會傷害人傷害社會嘅必定忤做。 所以我絕對推介依間嘢。因為真係好少認真堅信嘅基督徒。...

6. 聖母聖衣堂 - 1 Star St, Admiralty
14 reviews
I love the interior design of the church, especially the altar, and the lovely pictures of the nativity drawn by a sister on display along the staircase...

7. 香港聖殿 - 2 Cornwall St, Kowloon Tong
19 reviews
Beautiful, peaceful, spiritual. The people are friendly, the garden great. Limited access to inside for LDS members only, but everyone is welcome to come...

8. 聖安德肋堂 - 11 Sheung Ning Rd, Hang Hau
7 reviews
The two-storey glass windows in the lobby lets light pass through and improved the transparency of the surroundings. The church nice and has a large...

9. 印度廟 - 1B Wong Nai Chung Rd, Happy Valley
15 reviews
Very peaceful place and people are very friendly also caretaker is very helpful and panditji is also Motivated a lot.

10. 觀音寺 - Keng Shan Rd, Lantau Island
11 reviews
Stunningly vibrant temple with a tiered tower. Magnificent views from its high up location across the valley. A great little stop-off at the beginning...

11. 靈隱寺 - 大澳大嶼山 薑 山村 L-D311
12 reviews
今日終於一遊,只講啲齋,以人頭計,以你同彿既緣份出菜 (即係random彿門無菜單午餐) ,位位八十五大洋,飲完個湯已經極度期待齋菜上枱,好飲到丫!!無乜味精。我兩個人上四碟菜,碟碟都正斗,有齋菜本身既味,由其係啲東菇!真係數一數二好食唔係講笑~

12. 灣仔玉虛宮(北帝廟) - Lung On St, Wan Chai
22 reviews
A traditional Taoist Temple dedicated to 玄天大帝. Located in a quiet and serene neighborhood, it's a historical temple very worth of a visit.

13. 西方寺 - Lo Wai Rd, Lo Wai
14 reviews
西方寺位於荃灣最古老的鄉村之一的老圍村內,乘坐專線小巴大約 10 分鐘車程便可到達。遊客及善信都值得一到的地方。


14. 荃灣龍母廟 - Lo Wai
6 reviews
荃灣龍母廟為區內一所甚有人氣之佛堂廟宇,就近西方寺玄圓學院,信眾亦因龍母及觀音大士所求靈驗而獲頗多支持,故此廟內不時絡繹不絕,亦有衣紙提供俾廟內信眾購買供奉. ,廟內亦有提供骨灰靈位俾先人. ,若有需要佛像開光及打齋儀式或解韱者,均可聯絡辦事處義工人員安排。...

15. 大樹下天后古廟 - 元朗大樹下東路
11 reviews
A favourite place for TV and film shooting in the 1970s and 1980s. Contain a shrine for worshiping villagers who died in inter-village fights. Similar...

16. 聖本篤堂 - 7 Kong Pui St, Sha Tin
7 reviews
1間平實不華的天主教堂,一進大門抬頭便看到「平安」二字,感到心境平和 , 安祥。Once the church is opened, you can get inside and pray quietly, a good place to worship God.

17. 深水埗天后廟 - 182號 Yee Kuk St, Sham Shui Po
7 reviews
詩名:天后 天后靈光照世間,香火縹緲繞金壇。 廟宇神靈香火盛,春夏秋冬倍親民。...

18. 深水埗三太子及北帝廟 - 196 Yu Chau St, Sham Shui Po
7 reviews
三太子 (哪吒) 廟建於光緒二十四年 (一八九八年) ,是香港唯一一間以哪吒為主神的廟宇;而隔鄰的北帝廟則於一九二零年由該區漁民所興建。...

19. 筲箕灣譚公廟 - Tam Kung Temple Road, A Kung Ngam
8 reviews
Most of the temples in Hongkong are small and this is not the exception, but it's welcoming and cozy

20. 東普陀講寺 - Lo Wai
7 reviews
引用同宗原文:建於1932年,由茂峰老法師創建。   1949年寺圓通寶殿重修。   佈局與浙江普陀寺相仿,故名東普陀。是荃灣區最早建立的佛寺之一。...